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IRS Notice CP45 – Unable to Apply Your Overpayment

IRS Notice CP45 is sent to a taxpayer when the IRS is unable to apply an overpayment from one tax year to their estimated tax for the next tax year as requested.

¿Por qué recibí el aviso CP45 del IRS?

You received IRS Notice CP45 because you asked the IRS to apply your overpayment from one tax year to your estimated taxes for another tax year. This usually happens when there is a delay in processing the return with the overpayment or there is an error in your calculations.

Siguientes pasos

Lea atentamente su aviso CP45. Si el pago en exceso se aplicó después de que el IRS procesó su declaración de impuestos, no se necesita nada más. Puede verificar esto obteniendo una copia de su transcripción de cuenta de impuestos, as the IRS will not send additional notices after this one.

Additionally, if the overpayment was insufficient or not applied, you should adjust your estimated tax payments accordingly to avoid possible underpayment penalties and interest for the current tax year.

¿A quién puedo contactar si tengo más preguntas?

If you have any questions regarding your IRS Notice CP45 or possible changes made to your tax return, please call the toll-free number listed on your notice.