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Close Corporate Filing Services

Letting go of a dream is never easy, but we can help make the process a little less painful with our close corporate filing services.

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3 Signs It’s Time to Close Your Business

Stepping away from your business is not an easy task. You’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into making your dream of owning a business a reality. So, how do you know when it’s time to close the doors? There are actually three telltale signs.

  1. The business is continually losing money. Without any profit, you’ll have a difficult time paying your bills and your employees. If you’ve started to rely on credit cards and loans to meet these costs, you’re only putting yourself further into debt.

  2. Your services or products are no longer needed. Some businesses have a shorter shelf life than others, especially if they rely on a trending fad. Once that fad has run its course, it’s time to move on.

  3. The thrill is gone. If you find yourself no longer enjoying your work or resenting it, you may want to consider selling or closing the doors.

If you’ve been struggling with any of these issues for an extended period of time, it’s time to ask yourself the tough question – “Is it time to close my business?” Remember, there’s nothing wrong with admitting that it’s not working. The important thing is to take the necessary steps to ensure you close your business properly and don’t leave yourself with a legal mess.

Close Corporate Filing Requirements

One of the hardest decisions to make as a small business owner is knowing when it’s time to call it quits. Unfortunately, closing your business is not as simple as hanging an “out of business” sign on the door. There are many things to consider and paperwork that must be completed, including final tax filings. Depending on the structure of your business, you may be required to file many of the following:

  • Final quarterly or annual employment taxes

  • Final wage and withholding information

  • Final tip income and allocation

  • Final employee pension and/or benefit plan return

  • Final payments to subcontractors

  • Corporate dissolution or liquidation

  • Business asset sales

  • Sale of business property

You will also be responsible for submitting final tax returns for the business, as well as making final tax payments (if applicable). If you don’t file final documents, you could be in for a real headache. Taxing authorities will assume you are still in business and start assessing debt. You will also be at risk if there are any pending lawsuits. At Tax Defense Network, our close corporate filing services will help you determine which forms need to be filed, and we will assist with any IRS asset investigations, as needed.

Our affordable package includes:

To learn more about our close corporate filing services, contact us today for a free consultation.

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