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Florida State Taxes

Quick Tax Facts

  • income tax wallet icon Income Tax: 0%
  • sales tax - credit card icon State Sales Tax: 6%
  • property tax - house icon Median Property Tax: $1,773


Known for its beautiful beaches, sunny weather, and lack of state income tax, Florida has long been a draw for retirees. The state also abolished its estate, inheritance, and gift tax, making it more attractive to the wealthy. Another reason why so many people and companies flock to the state is the lower sales taxes, property taxes, and corporate income taxes.  

Florida Income Tax

Florida is one of a handful of states that don’t collect income tax.

Florida Sales Tax

Florida has a state sales tax rate of 6% with the following exceptions:

  • New mobile home sales (retail) – 3%
  • Amusement machine receipts – 4%
  • Commercial real property (rental, lease, or license) – 5.5%
  • Electricity – 6.95%

In addition to the state sales tax rate, each municipal government is allowed to collect sales tax that ranges between 0% and 1.5%. Citrus County has the lowest combined sales tax at 6.5%. The majority of counties have rates of either 7% or 7.5% when combined with the state sales tax rate.

Florida Property Taxes

Florida ranks around the middle of the pack when it comes to median property tax rates in the country. Property taxes are levied at the local level. The median annual amount is $1,773. Miami-Dade County has the highest average at $2,756 annually. Dixie County currently has the lowest average property tax at $503 per year.

Florida Property Tax






Yearly Cost Per Resident

Florida Tax Holidays

Florida has several state sales tax holidays, including:

  • Back-to-School. There are two sales tax holidays scheduled, one in the fall (August) and another after winter break (January). Eligible items include clothing up to $100 per item, school supplies ($50 or less per item), personal computers, and related accessories that are $1500 or less.
  • Disaster Preparedness. This 14-day sales tax holiday typically kicks off hurricane season (May/June) and includes pet items, flashlights, tarps, generators ($3,000 or less), and many other items. In 2023, a second period was added in September.
  • Tools and Home Improvement. This week-long tax holiday takes place in September. Items include those commonly used by skilled trade workers, such as power tools, boots, and toolboxes.
  • Freedom Week. This two-week summer sales tax holiday generally takes place in early July. Admissions to state parks, museums, as well as many other entertainment events are tax-free. Certain outdoor, camping, and fishing supplies are also included.

Florida Tax Resources

If you have additional questions regarding Florida taxes, please visit the Florida Department of Revenue website or one of the resources listed below.