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Virginia State Taxes

Quick Tax Facts

  • income tax wallet icon Income Tax: 2% – 5.75%
  • sales tax - credit card icon State Sales Tax: 5.3%
  • property tax - house icon Median Property Tax: $1,862


Virginia is teeming with history. Several founding fathers and presidents were born and raised in the state. It’s also where America won her independence in 1781 when the British surrendered in Yorktown. Virginia is also a large military state with 27 active bases. Unfortunately, it can be an expensive place to live. The cost of living is very high, as are the income taxes. Property taxes and sales taxes fall more in the middle.

Virginia Income Tax

Virginia has a progressive income tax rate that ranges between 2% and 5.75%, depending on your residency status and taxable income.

Virginia (VA) Income Tax Rates
If your VA taxable income is overBut not overYour tax isOn income over
$3,000$5,000$60 plus 3%$3,000
$5,000$17,000$120 plus 5%$5,000
$17,000 $720 plus 5.75%$17,000

Who Must File?

Full-year, part-year, and non-residents who are required to file a federal income tax return and have Virginia adjusted gross income equal to greater than the amounts indicated in the chart below are required to file a Virginia income tax return.

Filing StatusIncome Threshold
Single or Married Filing Separately$11,950
Married Filing Jointly$23,900

Residents should file Form 760. Part-year residents generally file Form 760PY and non-residents use Form 763.


Virginia has reciprocity with five states, including Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia (DC). Residents of Kentucky and DC who commute to Virginia for work (wage and salary only) are exempt from Virginia income taxes. Those residing in Maryland, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia are exempt from Virginia income taxes if:

  • They are taxed by their home state, and
  • Are present in VA for 183 days or less, and
  • Don’t maintain a home (house, apartment, etc.) in VA, and
  • Receive only wage or salary income in the state.

Virginia Sales Tax

Virginia has a state sales tax rate of 5.3%, which includes a 1% local tax. Local governments, however, may levy up to an additional 1.7% in sales taxes. The highest rates are in Toano, Williamsburg, and Yorktown (7%). The majority of locations in the state have a sales tax rate of 5.3%. The state sales tax rate for food and personal hygiene items is 1%.

Virginia Property Taxes

Virginia’s property tax rates are average when compared with other states. Property taxes are assessed and collected at the local level. The median property tax in Virginia is $1,862. Falls Church City has the highest average property tax at $6,005, while Buchanan County has the lowest at $284.

Virginia Property Tax






Yearly Cost Per Resident

Virginia Tax Holidays

Virginia combines its three sales tax holidays into one 3-day tax-free weekend that starts the first Friday in August at 12:01 am and ends the following Sunday at 11:59 pm. This year, the holiday will run from August 2-4, 2024.

Virginia Tax Resources

If you need assistance preparing your Virginia state taxes, you can speak with a tax professional from Tax Defense Network by calling 855-476-6920.

You can also visit the Virginia Department of Taxation website for additional resources.